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Then you get rid of stubborn belly fat - 6 effective tricks!

Are you wearing an extra whale around your waist that seems impossible to get rid of? Abdominal obesity is increasing drastically in Sweden and the trend is associated with a number of health hazards, including type 2 diabetes. But the trend can be broken! With simple lifestyle changes, you can get a quick effect, both in terms of diet and exercise. Here are some points to get into everyday life if you want a healthier belly circumference!

1. Eat more fiber

If you get a lot of dietary fiber in you, you stay fuller and it is less likely that you put in unnecessary extra calories. In addition, fiber counteracts constipation, which can give you a bloated stomach.

2. Fitness training at intervals

Running interval training - where you alternate between getting to the max and resting or slowing down - has proven to be more effective for fat burning than training at the same pace all the time. A study in the International Journal of Obesity shows that you burn more fat on a 20-minute spinning session at intervals than you do on a 40-minute session where you run the same intensity throughout the workout.

3. Strength training with weights

If you want to get rid of fat, it is important to increase the body's metabolism. The easiest way to do this is to build muscle. A study from Harvard University in the USA shows that strength training with weights 20 minutes a day is the most effective way to reduce the waist measurement.

4. Exercise your stomach effectively

You can not burn fat from the waist by doing abdominal exercises. But you can shape your abdominal muscles and get a better posture! Classic situps strengthen some of the abdominal muscles, but aim to do several different types of abdominal exercises to access all the muscles.

5 . Fasting in the morning

Following the  16: 8 method  - where you fast 16 hours a day and eat all 24 hours of meals within an 8-hour window - is an effective way to reduce your waistline, without reducing your calories. This has been stated by an Australian research team in a study where the participants skipped breakfast and ate the day's first meal at lunch.

If you want to have breakfast, you can instead fast in the evening. You can then, for example, have a light dinner before 4 pm and then breakfast at 8 the next morning.

6. Skip sweeteners

A recent research report from the University of Texas shows that you are more likely to suffer from abdominal obesity if you drink a lot of soft drinks, even though the soda does not contain any calories. The reason is believed to be that the sweeteners in the soda raise blood sugar and lower glucose tolerance, which causes the body to store fat.

Remember that even sugar-free chewing gums and throat lozenges as well as sugar-free, flavored yoghurt and quark contain sweeteners.
